
Thank You, but No Thank You

A lot of people say that they think my blog is great. They nominate me for different kinds of awards, but before I get the prize I have to nominate a certain amount of other bloggers to that same award, I have to link to the person who nominated me, and I have to, I have to, I have to….

English: This is a certificate of award of 1876.

Image via Wikipedia

Honestly! If you like my blogging and would like to give me any kind of award – please give it to me because I deserve it thanks to the writing I already published, and without any expectations of getting anything back from me. An award is something you give away to someone as a gift. No expectations of getting anything back, not even a thank you. Just a gift, because you want to give. My biggest award is when my readers enjoy reading the pieces I have written.

The Alternative

As a reaction to all those “awards” that requires a thank you, some link and a post with instructions, me and a friend of mine are developing an alternative award. We will give away an award to great bloggers with the only requirement that the receiver do not link back to the giver, and do not thank the giver. Actually, we as givers will link to the receiver. That´s how a true award works!

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